Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is it possible to designate a node as the primary node for the file system mounted at mount_point?

Is it possible to designate a node as the primary node for the file system mounted at mount_point?
Yes, it is possible to set a node as the primary node.

# /opt/VRTSvxfs/sbin/fsclustadm setprimary /mount_point

The setprimary option designates the local node (that is, the node on which fsclustadm is issued) as the primary node for the file system mounted at mount_point. Please refer to the fsclustadm man pages for more information.

Burger:/#fsclustadm -v showprimary /sharevol
Burger:/#fsclustadm setprimary /sharevol
Burger:/#fsclustadm -v showprimary /sharevol

Courtesy: http://seer.entsupport.symantec.com/docs/239466.htm